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    Enhancing Brainpower Some Powerful Tips

    Brainpower is very important for an individual. It is the key to several factors including memory, planning, development of ideas and dealing with stress. Most people don't realize that there is something lacking in them.

    However, there are several situations that confirm this such as when you walk into a room, you are suddenly unable to find your keys. Another situation is that some people even forget why they entered into a room. This happens due to the short-term memory. Sometimes, people may also feel overwhelmed by certain things such as those that demand their precious time.

    Now, medically, this is treated as a type of disorder known as SADD or Situational Attention Deficit Disorder. This is virtually a new term. Most of us these days experience a situation where our brains close down due to overwhelming demands of daily life. There is nothing to worry. All you require to do is to enhance your brainpower and everything will be all right. Here are some tips to enhance your brainpower: a) Determine your priorities and then emphasize on them Never ever allow yourself to be pulled in anything whether it is a meeting or a conversation.

    There should be nothing that could distract the priorities in life. Try to take this task. Highlight the things that are important for you in your to-do list on a daily basis. b) Stay away from answering each message You may be getting a lot of unwanted messages, emails, phone calls and SMS on a daily basis.

    Strictly say no to the messages that are not important for you. c) Take help of technology Let the latest technology help you in prioritizing the events for you. Let the caller ID and voice mails screen calls for you. d) Pay attention Try to concentrate on one thing where there is a silence. This may be a flower, breathing or even a phonograph of loved one. e) Teach As the wise has always said, knowledge increases via distributing, you must focus on teaching others.

    This will let you memorize ideas and most importantly gets your concept clear. It also allows you to apply these concepts to your own life. f) Write Writing is another way in which you can enhance your brainpower.

    When you write on a topic, you tend to be descriptive and analytical at the same time. g) Blog Another tip is to start a blog and discuss you experience with a specific subject so as to enhance your learning. h) Keep your body happy If you treat your body well, you will definitely increase your learning speed. Eat healthy, exercise regularly, sleep for at least eight hours a day, relax for at least a few minutes each day and drink a lot of water. i) Learn as you sleep This is a great technique. Here, all you require to do is to read a book or listen to a CD player.

    This will do the trick. There are several ways in which you can enhance your brainpower. Follow the above mentioned ideas and you will definitely find a change in yourself.

    For more Articles, News, Information, Advice, and Resources about BRAIN TRAINING please visit BRAIN TRAINING SECRETS and MEDITATION BUZZ

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