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    Hair Follicle Drug Testing Is It Right for You

    Hair follicle drug testing is one of the most beneficial means of detecting drug abuse in just about any setting. Whether you need to test for drugs in the workplace, in schools or even at home, hair testing can provide the level of accuracy and the reliability you need. Besides, what's the point of conducting a drug tests if you're can't be sure the results are correct? A false positive drug test can be just the thing to ruin a person's life.

    Likewise, a false negative could make it so a person with a real problem slips through the cracks and does not get the help they need. Drugs of abuse testing can isolate the main drug types and locate remnants of many types of substances in the hair. All that's needed is hair strands taken closely from the root. Once the hair is collected from the donor's head or body, it should be placed in the collection container.

    It is then sent to the laboratory for testing. This should really take only about 2-3 days once the lab receives the sample. After the tests are completed, you can simply check on the web and view your test results. From there, it is up to you. If negative results are found, then you don't have to do anything really. If you are using these hair follicle drug testing kits in the workplace, then just use them again once the random testing time comes around again.

    However, if you find a positive result, it is time to take action. A person using drugs on a regular basis is most likely addicted and will need to seek treatment for their problem. As an employer, parent or school administrator, it is vital to recognize the problem of addiction when confronted with it. Drugs of abuse testing can help you figure out if people you know and/or care about have a problem with drugs and thus allows you to take the next step. As an employer, you have a commitment to your other employees to protect them from hazards. A drug-addicted employee is a hazard to everyone on a jobsite.

    That's why hair drug testing is so important for preventing accidents and injuries. Plus, you don't have to worry about people trying to pass hair drug testing with detox methods, shampoos or special cheating tips. Hair tests are virtually impossible to tamper with, making them the most logical choice in drug testing today.

    If you want a high level of accuracy, a reliable result and a testing method that is both noninvasive and takes little time at all, you've come to the right place. For a drug test that can't be cheated or passed, for accurate results, hair follicle drug testing is right for you.

    Article writes by Nepi Ilgaz longer version of article is at Hair Follicle Drug Testing Method and main source at Hair Confirm Drug Tests. Also information from TestCountry Drug Testing Forum has been used as a resource.

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