Borrachito When the engine has warmed up and meets one of his buddies, usually tells "compadre, take one that I pay." That "I pay" constitutes an amazing attitude of detachment and prodigality for others. The next day the poor man will not have no money in the pockets but did not reproach her generous attitude towards others.
3. The drunks are being suffered. It was fall of the buses; roll down the stairs; stoically received the sartenazo you tip the angry wife and incomprehensible; are victims of cantineros cheats; confused cow's milk, and nutritious food with milk of magnesia is the least nutritious and food that can be consumed. And if the above were not enough when the case is complicated not send what consenting to the hospital where the sick or the asylum where tolerate the mad but the physical street act that occurs in the midst of a ceremony where the main act is a kick in the rear with the kind of recommendation "not come back here anymore" 4. The drunks, the real drunks are adorable in that defy medical science. In a laboratory test a doctor can find traces of alcohol in the bloodstream of a person, say, normal.
But that same doctor can find traces of blood in the torrent of an alcoholic borrachito. 5. The drunks are being very disoriented.
Well actually anyone can disoriented. So one finds a guy with a strange resemblance to Michael Jackson, is wondering where the kindergarten The Immaculate Conception. Or at a rate similar to Osama Bin Laden is wondering where the airport. In both cases Finger ignore these very clear directions for safety reasons.
But sometimes we find borrachito in a poor condition lastimera most of the world, telling us: I need you to tell me an address . you know where I live? In the latter case we will not refuse to respond but it is possible that the attack of laughter prevent us from helping the poor man.
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